Milford Borough Budget Workshop

Milford Borough Budget Workshop

October 17, 2019


On October 17, 2019 The Milford Borough Council held a public workshop to discuss the 2020 budget in the Milford Borough Hall. President Frank Tarquinio was present along with Mayor Strub, Treasurer Greg Myer and council members Annette Haar, Adriane Wendell, Nancy Schoenleber and Assistant Secretary Laurie DiGeso.

Adoption of Agenda: Motion to approve the meeting and its agenda by Frank Tarquinio. Adriane Wendell to second motion.

Notes regarding budget as follows:

-Each line item was discussed and adjusted appropriately or remained the same for next years budget.

-Write a letter to Steve Grandinali regarding Public Utility Realty budget.

-Check with Luke Turano regarding insurance increases.

-Bill the MEC for agreement to pay ½ the salary for verge maintenance.

-Greg Myer will get an update of the numbers for budget from the Borough. Once he looks them over he will get a better idea of how the budget is going to look for 2020.

Public Comment: David Weinberg suggested some ideas to raise money in the Borough:

-Landlord fees of $100 a year to register their property as an income property.

-Event fees (charge fees for events held in the Borough ie: Opera in the Park)

Frank Tarquinio agreed these suggestions could be considered. Motioned to adjourn. AH second.

Adjourn 7:55pm


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